Housing - Owner:

Accommodation type
Renter's email:
Contact Number:
Number of Bedrooms (excluding living room):
Living room:
Dish washer:
Washing machine:
Type of Heating System:
Air condition:
Parking place:
Available From (DD/MM/YYYY):
Available Through Summer:


*All distances are in terms of walking
** RIT Croatia is well connected to the rest of Dubrovnk with bus lines.

*** (en) As a source to our students RIT Croatia has composed a list of housing options available in Dubrovnik. The list contains apartments and rooms from owners that are interested in renting to RIT Croatia students.

The college makes no representation as to the quality of the space, and the contractual obligations. It is the responsibility of each student to make their own individual rental arrangements. --

(hr) RIT Croatia je, kao pomoć svojim studentima, a u svrhu pronalaženja smještaja na području grada Dubrovnika, napravio popis stanova i soba na svojoj internet stranici. Popis se sastoji od slobodnih stanova i soba vlasnika zainteresiranih za izdavanje istih studentima RIT Croatia.

RIT Croatia ne garantira, niti je u bilo kojem slučaju odgovoran za kakvoču i ugovorne obveze spomenutih soba i stanova. Odgovornost je svakog studenta da se pobrine za svoje osobne dogovore i pregovore sa potencijalnim stanodavcem.